Radon Kits

Is there radon in your home?
Radon is a radioactive gas; it is an air hazard in homes and workplaces, as long-term exposure is clearly linked to lung cancer. Radon gas comes from naturally occurring uranium in soils and rocks and some regions in Canada have more uranium than others. Radon levels in homes can be elevated but it is impossible to tell unless you test as the gas is odorless, tasteless and colorless. There are a range of devices that can be used to determine radon levels in homes and testing is recommended in basements or rooms that have ground level contact as the gas enters homes through cracks or holes in foundations and can accumulate in these areas.
Researchers at Simon Fraser University are conducting a study of radon levels on the North Shore and Sunshine Coast.
Borrow a radon detection kit to test your home's radon levels and participate in the study! The Radon Detection Library lending program is provided free to libraries through support from Health Canada, the BC Lung Association, Simon Fraser University, and Airthings.
Borrowing Basics
1 Radon Detection Kit per customer.
Loan period is 6 weeks, or 42 days.
Late fines are $1 per day.
Fees apply for lost or damaged kits ($300).
Item cannot be renewed.
Units are checked out and back in at the library Circulation Desk.
Before returning the Radon Detection Kit to the library, make sure to take note of your data readings and re-set the detector to protect your privacy.
Each Kit Contains
1 Radon detector and user manual
1 instruction sheet
4 information brochures
When you're done:
Your reading data and results may contain valuable information for research. Enter your data into the BC Lung Association’s confidential online survey.
Reset the radon detector to remove your data and protect your privacy!
Return the device to the library!
If you're interested in getting your own radon kit for long-term testing, check out the BC Lung Association’s Radon Aware Program.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Radon?
What radon detector model is the Library lending?
What homes can be tested? What about apartments or basement suites?
Where do I put my radon kit?
How do I start the radon detector?
How long do I need to measure my radon levels for?
What is the Health Canada guideline for radon levels?
How do I interpret the results from my device?
How do I reset the radon detector?
What other libraries are participating in this program?
Participating Partners