CO2 Monitor Kits

Borrow a CO2 Monitor Kit to measure indoor air quality at your home or small office!
Good air quality can help our community lower the risk of airborne infections as well as support our general well-being.
CO2 Monitors measure the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in an area to give an indication of how well-ventilated it is. Knowing the CO2 level can help you identify if you need to take steps to improve ventilation or remove pollutants to improve indoor air quality to lower the risk of airborne infections. Poor ventilation has also been shown to cause other general symptoms such as tiredness and headaches. Learn more about CO2 and why monitoring for indoor air quality is important.
NOTE: these devices are not carbon monoxide detectors and are not life safety devices.
We are grateful for the generous donation of one Aranet 4 Monitor from ES Canada. Remaining kits were purchased using funds from the Province of BC.
Borrowing Basics
Borrow a kit for up to 7 days.
Renewals are permitted as long as no one is waiting and you have not reached the maximum renewal limit.
Item must be returned to the Circulation Desk.
Fees apply for lost or damaged CO2 Monitors.
Each Kit Contains
Aranet4 Home CO2 Monitor
Switch Pin Tool
2 AA Batteries