Explore Your Topic: Accessibility Resources
Our librarians have handpicked the most helpful resources on this topic from the Library collection and online.

On The Web
BC Housing: Information for Seniors
The Seniors’ Supportive Housing Program in BC provides housing and support services to older adults, seniors and people with disabilities. The Program assists low-income British Columbians who are 55 years of age or older, and people of any age who have a disability or diminished ability.
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada
A national, non-profit volunteer organization that seeks to promote public awareness about learning disabilities through advocacy and education. Find informational resources about various learning disabilities, employment and education options for those with learning disabilities, and more.
North Shore Disability Resource Centre (NSDRC)
Guided by the belief that all people are important to their community, the NSDRC provides programs and services dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities, as well as their friends and families, can participate actively as members of the community.
Persons with Disabilities Online
A Government of Canada website that includes “access to services and information for persons with disabilities, family members, caregivers and all Canadians.” Provides information on employment, transportation and travel, housing, assistive technology, lifestyle, and more.